Guidelines on application for provisional licence as approved trustees.


1.1   Section 122(2) of the National Pensions Regulatory Act, 2008(Act 766)

(“the Act”) provides that a person may apply to the National Pensions Regulatory Authority (“the Authority”) for approval as trustee for the purposes of the Act.


1.2       Section 122(3) of the Act requires that an application must –

(a)   be in a form approved by the Authority; and

(b)   contain such information, and be accompanied by such documents, as may be    prescribed by the guidelines; and


1.3.      The Authority hereby issues guidelines to specify the forms for application for provisional licence as trustees and prescribe the information and documents to be submitted together with the application forms.



2.1     Prescribed Forms

2.1.1    Section 123(4) gives conditions for application as an individual trustee. 

2.1.2    Application for provisional license as individual trustees shall be made in the prescribed format as set out at Annexures A and B.

(a)  Annex A refers to Form NPRA/APP/PLT.I/01/10 which covers the information relating to the suitability of the applicant.

(b)  Annex B refers to Form NPRA/APP/PLT.A/01/10 which covers the information relating to the administrator of the applicant;

2.13     The applicant must: 

(a) submit the documents as prescribed in the forms in Annexures A and B, where  applicable; and

(b) pay the application fee specified in Schedule 1


The prescribed format of the forms in 2.1.2 and provisional fees in schedule 1 above can be obtained from the National Pensions Regulatory Authority, Office of Head of Civil Service Building, Ministries, Accra.  You may also send e-mail to to request for the prescribed forms and fees schedule.


3.0      Definitions of Terms

3.1       Except where otherwise specified in the forms in Annexures A and B, the terms common to the forms in the Annexures, have the same meanings as defined in the Act. The applicant should make appropriate reference to the Act where necessary.


4.0      Licensing of Trustees, and Registration of Pension Fund Managers and Pension Fund Custodians


4.1      From a date to be announced by the Authority, the full licensing processes of Trustees and registration process of Pension Fund Managers and Pension Fund Custodians would commence.


4.2       Guidelines on the licensing of Trustees and registration of Pension Fund Managers and Custodians would be issued in due course.


5.0      Warning

5.1       If there is any change to the application information or documents after an application is submitted to the Authority, the applicant should inform the Authority as soon as reasonably practicable. It is an offence under section 199 of the Act if a person, in any document given to the Authority, makes a statement that he knows to be false or misleading in a material respect, or recklessly makes a statement which is false or misleading in a material respect.


6.0      Submission of Application

6.1       Completed application forms and the relevant application documents for provisional license as individual trustees should be submitted in hard copies and sent, together with the application fees (if any), to:


The Chairman, National Pensions Regulatory Authority, SU Tower, Accra,

Tel: 021-688089, 021-688169