About The College

The National Pensions College (NPC) was established in March 2021 to train licensed Trustees and other Service Providers as well as individuals who may want to update their knowledge in the field of pensions. The college started operation from May 2022.

In 2022, the college developed sixteen (16) Continuous Professional Development (CPD) Courses.  Implementation of these courses began in 2023 in line with L.I. 1990 as a prerequisite for the renewal of licences for Trustees of the private pension schemes.  

The NPC run two (2) professional certificate programmes, namely, Certificate in Pensions Administration and Continuous Professional Development (CPD) Courses. The college employ the hybrid approach (in-person and virtual) mode of training. Participants who enrol to be trained at the college include, Board of Trustees of Pension Schemes (Corporate and Individual), Compliance Officers, Pension Fund Managers, Pension Fund Custodians, Auditors, HR Practitioners, Finance Managers, Students, and the Public. 

The college seeks to use the virtual learning as an integral part of its training environment in championing innovations in professional training delivering in Ghana using Information and Communication Technology (ICT) to enhance learning outcomes.

Furthermore, as a technology-oriented training institution, NPC seeks to be recognised both nationally and internationally as one of the institutions in the application of ICT in professional training.


The National Pensions College will be a professional Training Centre to equip service providers with the requisite knowledge in pensions administration to ensure retirement income security.


The mission is to establish a training institution to train practitioners to serve the pension industry and ensure effective administration of pensions in Ghana and   creates good, interesting, and   meaningful jobs for the youth.


The College in working towards achieving its vision will be guided by five (5) Core Values, namely Professionalism,Integrity, Teamwork, Excellence and Responsibility for which the acronym PITER has been adopted for easy recollection and comprehension.


The objectives of the establishing the National Pensions College are:

  • To provide basic and professional training in pensions and offer Continuous Professional Development (CPD) to Service Providers (Tier 1, 2 and 3) and other industry players;
  • To help train other professionals and graduates who may want to work in the pension industry; and
  • To deepen financial literacy in pensions product among citizens and other nationals.